Best School Snack


Field Trip Jerky can indeed make a great school snack for several reasons:

Portability: Field Trip Jerky is compact and doesn't require refrigeration, making it easy to pack in a lunchbox or backpack.

Long shelf life: Field Trip Jerky has a long shelf life, so you can buy it in advance and keep it on hand for when you need a quick and convenient snack for those kiddos.

Protein-rich: Field Trip Jerky is high in protein, which can help keep students feeling full and satisfied throughout the school day.

No mess: Jerky is a clean and mess-free snack option, making it suitable for eating in a classroom or library.

Variety of flavors: Jerky comes in a variety of flavors, so you can choose options that appeal to your taste preferences.

However, it's essential to choose jerky that is relatively low in sodium and doesn't contain excessive preservatives or additives for a healthier snack option. Additionally, some schools may have policies regarding food allergies or restrictions, so it's a good idea to check with the school's guidelines and consider the preferences and dietary needs of the student before including jerky as a school snack.