Biltong vs. Jerky

What’s the Difference



Preparation: Beef jerky is typically made by marinating strips of beef in a mixture of spices, vinegar, and salt before drying them at low temperatures.

Flavor: Field Trip Beef Jerky crafts signature flavor profiles for our beef & Turkey Jerky offerings. From Gochujang and Carne Asada to our own proprietary Everything Bagel flavor, we provide a wide variety of popular flavors.

Texture: Field Trip Beef jerky is thinly sliced and has more tender texture. we think it’s the perfect balance of tasty and tender.

Cultural Origins: Beef jerky is a traditional snack in North America, with indigenous origins among Native American tribes who used drying techniques to preserve meat.


Preparation: Biltong, on the other hand, is a South African Style dried meat snack made from marinated strips of beef that are air-dried without the application of heat.

Flavor: Biltong tends to have a milder flavor profile compared to jerky, with the spices used in its marinade typically including coriander, salt, and pepper. The flavor is often described as savory and slightly tangy.

Texture: Biltong is typically thicker cut than jerky, resulting in a chewier texture. It is usually sliced into thicker chunks or strips.

Cultural Origins: Biltong originates from South Africa, where it has been enjoyed for centuries, particularly among the Dutch settlers (Boers) who used drying methods to preserve meat during long journeys.

In summary, while both beef jerky and biltong are dried meat snacks, they differ in their preparation methods, flavor profiles, textures, and cultural origins. Beef jerky tends to have a smokier flavor and tender texture, while biltong is milder in flavor and often thicker cut.